Ghostwise Halflings (SCAG, p. 110) have the Silent Speech trait:
Silent Speech. You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.
A halfling wanted to do intimidate using Silent Speech to distract a wolf during combat.
I allowed this as a free action at the start of his turn; however, I'm not sure what should happen.
What I've done is roll CHA vs Wisdom Saving Throw, and as it failed the wolf became frightened of the halfling.
Can Silent Speech be used to intimidate using growl, battlecry, or other unintelligible cry against an enemy that doesn't understand even Common tongue?
Can animal affected by Intimidation without understanding even a language? I've allowed it since he said "growling telepathically", and animals do understand growls, but I wonder if Silent Speech allows you to mimic sounds in your telepathy. As a joke, I might create a Ghostwise Halfling and beatbox telepathically to annoy a PC as we walk :D