The Symbol spell says:
Once triggered, the glyph glows, filling a 60-foot-radius sphere with dim light for 10 minutes, after which time the spell ends. Each creature in the sphere when the glyph activates is targeted by its effect, as is a creature that enters the sphere for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.
Many of the options for what effect the symbol has when triggered have durations much shorter than 10 minutes (e.g. Stunning), or are instantaneous effects (e.g. Death). If I choose one of these effects, does that mean that it can affect the same creature multiple times? For instance, if I choose Stunning and a creature is stunned for one minute, then, assuming no one else moves them, they will still be within range of the spell at the end of that minute, and the spell will still be active for 9 more minutes. Does this mean that as soon as they recover from being stunned, they have to make the saving throw again? For that matter, does a stunned creature have to continue making saving throws every turn to see if the duration of the stun gets reset to 1 minute? Also, if they make the first save but cannot leave the area on that turn, do they have to make another saving throw on the following turn, or does the first save mean that they resist the effect of the spell entirely?
Similarly, if I choose the Death effect, do creatures in the area take the 10d10 necrotic damage every single turn until they leave the area?
Obviously, the answer to this question has a significant bearing on how powerful the spell is, especially if combined with other traps that limit creatures' mobility.