During a campaign, I randomly found a "Fiber Cord Wrist Launcher". That, in theory, is awesome. It is a major tool used by Boba Fett (and I think Jango) and has a lot of uses. It has a grapple, can tie up enemies to subdue them, and (as it is on my wrist) is probably easy to conceal.
However, I've been unable to find this in any of the books I have available and the GM was unaware as to how to incorporate it. Suspecting it could be in the "No Disintegrations" book which none of us had I purchased that and did not see it there either. If it is in an official book, my google-fu has failed me.
While my GM's word will decide how to proceed, I am curious how you think I should incorporate this item. Right now my best guess is to treat it as a "Under Barrel Grapple Launcher" with reduced encumbrance from the Special Modifications book but that would not allow it to ensnare targets as Fett did to Luke.