I plan on taking the Magic Initiate feat with a paladin, giving him light, fire bolt, and shield from the sorcerer list. For light and fire bolt I can sheathe my sword as a free object interaction on my turn, then cast with my free hand, and redraw sword on my next turn to continue stabbing baddies; the same is true with all my other somatic spells. But since shield is a reaction, I assume that means I won't have time to sheathe my sword and do the somatic aspect of the spell in time?
Technically, could I get around it by always sheathing my sword every round that I'm expecting to take a big hit?
I want to RP that these are additional spells I've been gifted by Bahamut or a powerful dragon (I'm dragonborn), since they all make sense as holy abilities. Probably best to talk to my DM and see if they'll just let me use it without having to say "I sheathe my sword" "I draw my sword" 100 times? Plus it is only once a day, so not crazy OP.