How can I design a series of traps that test a character's ability to fly quickly through their area?
The group I am GMing for will soon be entering the (abandoned) headquarters of a former faction of Pegasi who were proud of their speed and skill at flying. I want the entrance-way of their lair to include a long corridor filled with traps that can be safely bypassed by flying through them at a high enough speed.
It does not seem appropriate to use the standard method of reflex saves in order to avoid the traps; while reflexively dodging is sometimes considered a form of "speed", the main point of this challenge is that if you move through the traps' trigger areas fast enough, the traps will miss you by design and you are guaranteed to be safe. Therefore, if you perform well, you need not do any dodging at all. Movement speed itself also isn't an appropriate stat, since this stat rarely changes and is uniform between all the PCs. What other mechanics can be used to simulate this challenge?
Pathfinder has the Fly skill, which is a good candidate to test in some way. However, due to it being a new skill over previous 3.x editions, I find its mechanics to be rather underdeveloped. Are there any RAW using fly that help me create this challenge?
In terms of in-game design, the possibilities are wide open - while the system is E6 and the characters are low-level, the traps were partially created with the help of copper dragons, who specialize in trapmaking and have more powerful spells than moral beings. As such, the traps can have abnormally high magical components and costs far beyond the level of the group, if it helps achieve the desired end.