I am a vampire in a slightly customised oWod and despite some years of experience still trying to figure out how to remain a good person with that Beast raging inside me. As a Ravnos I am doubly cursed, as the thing not only delights in blindly maiming and saving its hide like other people's do, but it also compels me to regularly thwart my core ideals and kill innocent people, not for blood but just for silently watching the life I don't have anymore leave their bodies, too.
This is all nice and well in theory, but in practice I'm not quite sure if I am an almost functioning member of society or a raging mass murderer. I mean, what exactly is an "opportunity", anyway?
When the opportunity to indulge presents itself, a Ravnos must make a Self-Control roll (difficulty 6) or succumb to her compulsion.
(Vampire: The Masquerade, Revised)
Can I ride a bus without rolling Self-Control? Go out at all? Does the mere presence of guileless humans provide an opportunity to kill them or do they have to fulfill further criteria?
Obviously, the solution is to specify my weakness more concretely, but I'm not quite sure how, so that it stays a challenging, but fair impairment. A Ventrue-like restriction on certain groups, character traits, triggers? A time-, stress-, or blood-based counter that when it reaches zero sparks the need to find a victim? The "Cleaner" from the Ravnos clan book sounds like a good start ("Your crime is the perfect murder.") but does not offer any insight or rule hints, either, as to WHEN the weakness triggers - or when not.
The core rules and the Ravnos book are my only sources so far. Do you know of anywhere else where the clan weakness is given a little more light? At your tables, have you come up with clearer regulation of when and how to trigger the urge?
Or am I worrying too much and should just wait for the moment when it clicks in my head? As per the clan book: "The Ravnos weakness is mainly a roleplaying matter."