I'm running a Deadlands Reloaded game and had a disagreement on the rules, all hinging on a line in the description for Rich:
...Rich heroes start with three times the normal starting funds for the setting. If a regular income is appropriate for this setting, the hero receives the modern day equivalent of a $150,000 annual salary."
Emphasis mine, as it's the sticking point. What does it mean by that?
The way I had read the edge is that the "modern day equivalent of a $150,000 annual salary" means that the character receives $150,000 of actual in-game money that is then adjusted for the setting, such as dividing it in half for Deadlands Reloaded as characters only have half the starting money than normal.
The core of the disagreement really is in "the modern day equivalent" where the player who disagrees with me says that there should be some other adjustment made to the $150,000 amount to determine how much actual "savage worlds money" the character receives.
I'm trying not to look for answers that only fit my point of view, but since it was asked I'll say their original reason for piping up about the edge was that they thought the amount of money from the salary was astonishingly too high. I didn't and haven't seen a problem with it.