I just made the following guidelines, I have played 4e for some time and now I am playing 3.5 . I hope the following offers wizards the feel you want them to have from 3.5 . I tried to maintain a degree of the 'balance' and power stability 4e offers by not introducing 9 spell levels and keeping it rather simple.
1) The wizard does not gain powers/spells as other classes. Instead, at each level up he can learn 2 wizard powers of his level or less (he must still be a member of an epic destiny or PP to be able to learn it's powers)
2) A wizard can learn any ritual or battle spell(powers, non-ritual arcane magic) he finds in a scroll, by scribing it in his spellbook. He can only cast spells of his level or less, but he can try an Arcana check with DC=spell level+10, in order to cast a spell with a level higher than that from a scroll. Regardless of failure/success the scroll's magic is expended, like in 3.5 .
3) There is no spell a wizard can cast indefinitely, all spell uses must be prepared in advance, taking 1 hour of meditation after an extended rest, during which the spellbook must be accessible. Previously prepared and unused spells remain in memory until they are used or another spell preparation is completed and overwrites their slots. A wizard may prepare spells no more often than once every 16 hours.
4) Wizards have 3 tiers of spell slots they can memorize (at will, encounter, daily) each day. Utility spells are categorized based on their frequency of use/color_code.
~"Green slots", lesser spells, at-will powers, first tier~
Number of slots = 1 + (character_level / 2) + Intelligence Modifier
~"Red slots", advanced spells, encounter powers, second tier~
Number of slots = (character_level / 5) + (Intelligence_modifier / 3)
~"Black slots", greater spells, daily powers, third tier~
Number of slots = ( character_level / 10) + (Intelligence_modifier / 3)
5) During preparation, a wizard can choose to convert one or more spell slots to another tier with a ratio of 2 (eg it takes 2 lesser slots to get an advanced one, or 4 to get a greater one. A greater slot gives you either 2 advanced ones, or 4 lesser ones) .
A spell slot can be filled with any spell of it's tier in the caster's spellbook that is of the caster's level or less.
6) Spells slots can be expended at-will with their regular casting times and the same power/spell may be prepared more than once expending the appropriate slots. One could cast Disintegrate twice, followed by 3 lightning bolts sequentially in 5 rounds, expending their slots.
7) Notes: I made the above on-the-fly, it seems rather balanced considering they lose their infinite low level powers.
For further balance you may want to consider implementing the necessity for spell components, verbal or somatic ones. I took some time with the numbers by they may be fine-tuned at your discretion, currently they seem to make wizards a little more powerful at higher level, which I find suitable.
Concentration-like skill checks could be used as well.
Keep in mind that existing PPs and EDs may need to be changed to work with a spell slot Vancian system, and various details may need to be filled in accordance to 3.5's concept of how mages worked.
Regardless, good luck with this, I hope my ideas help you.