I'm planning on making an illusionist wizard who studies magic so he can put on light shows and have dramatic illusory monsters scare the crowds (think Gandalf's fireworks show from the first Lord of the Rings movie). However, one of the biggest downsides of spellcasting is the obvious chanting and gesticulation required, which makes it a little to obvious that wizard-work is happening. I'd like a little more subtle approach.
In 3.5e, there were the Still Spell and Silent Spell feats, which let you cast spells without somatic and verbal components (respectively) at the cost of using a higher spell slot. However, I can't find an equivalent feat for either of these in 5e (I only have the PHB). I see that sorcerers get the Subtle Magic metamagic class ability, but that doesn't apply to me since I'm playing a wizard. Does something similar to these feats exist in 5th edition for the wizard class?