I'm building a level 1 tiefling charlatan Pact of the Tome warlock named Dramos with a Fiend for an Otherworldly Patron, and I want to take advantage of the Eldritch Invocation Book of Ancient Secrets, which allows him to write ritual spells in a tome and thus cast spells without using up any spell slots. I imagine him being a Loki-like character—preferring cleverness and magic over brute strength to manipulate people and get his way.
I'm trying to create a good false identity (charlatan feature) for Dramos, with the fake persona being an individual of a different race more accepted and less feared by most city dwellers (perhaps a noble human or elf) so that he can use his assumed influence to get what he wants without needing to intimidate people. In particular, such a non-threatening influence could potentially get him access to libraries containing spellbooks, so he can copy their rituals into his tome and expand his power. (Dramos is actually proficient in Intimidation, but prefers more subtle tactics of manipulation.)
Charlatans are proficient with disguise kits, but I'm unsure how well a tiefling can be disguised as a different race (you know—because of the horns, tail, sharp teeth, colored skin, and lack of pupils). I know there is Disguise Self and Alter Self, but both of these are only available to warlocks via Eldritch Invocations—Mask of Many Faces and Master of Myriad Forms, respecitvely—and the latter is only available at level 15. Plus, each takes up a precious Eldritch Invocation slot.
My questions:
- Could a tiefling realistically be disguised as a human, elf, or other humanoid of a similar height with a mere disguise kit?
- In addition to the spells cited above (namely, Mask of Many Faces and Master of Myriad Forms), are there other magical means of going undercover? If so, can these be obtained and performed by a warlock at early levels?
- Are there other means not previously mentioned here that could provide a tiefling with such a disguise?
I'm sticking to PHB only.
I should note that this is my first time playing 5e and that I'm new to D&D in general (3.5e), so I'm new to backgrounds, tieflings, and warlocks.
TL;DR I need a way of disguising a low-level tiefling as a race not discriminated against by most people in an average city.