I am looking into building a Gnome bard. I prefer the alternate favored bonus from the Aasimar race. Is there a way for a gnome to grab the Favored Class Options from an aasimar instead of itself?
Choose one bardic performance; treat the bard as +1/6 level higher when determining the effects of that performance.
Add +1 to the bard’s total number of bardic performance rounds per day.
I want to be physically and culturally a gnome. I imagine myself traveling in the wild looking for inspiration, friends and knowledge. I want to ride a medium sized goat. My size should be small. If the flavor stays, I am fine to be an aasimar on the sheet.
I won’t pick the Prankster template or anything like that so far. I plan to build a vanilla bard.
If possible I am looking for a raw solution, but I am fine with third-party.