
Does 4E D&D specify what the real-world size of a battlemap "square" is? Reference/citation desired.

  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ What resources do you have available and what resources have you checked? I'm pretty sure this is explicitly stated in one of the rule books. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 29, 2018 at 23:07

2 Answers 2


A single battlemap square represents a 5 foot by 5 foot space.

From the PHB, p266:

A 1-inch square on the battle grid represents a 5-foot square in the game world. So a dungeon room that is 40 feet by 50 feet would be 8 squares by 10 squares, which is a huge room but a good size for a busy combat encounter.


This is answered in multiple rule books.

PHB, pg.9

Battle Grid or Dungeon Tiles: Combat in D&D plays out on a grid of 1-inch squares.

PHB, pg.266

A 1-inch square on the battle grid represents a 5-foot square in the game world.

Rule Compendium, pg.200

Key terms

battle grid: The network of 1-inch squares that represents an encounter area.

DMG, pg.7

Battle Grid: A battle grid is very important for running combat encounters, for reasons outlined in the Player’s Handbook. [...] The grid should be marked in 1-inch squares.


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