As explored in this question there is at least one situation where a character’s Max HP could be reduced to 0 without explicitly or immediately killing them. We've recently been looking into what does happen when the cause of such a situation is rolling poorly when leveling up or simply having an incredibly low Constitution score, and it seems pretty clear they fall unconscious (and potentially begin rolling death saves). We've also established elsewhere that temporary hit points don't bring you to consciousness if you're at 0 HP.
Let's assume that a character has taken a hit to their max HP for whatever reason and therefore is now a mid-level character with 0 max HP. Could an especially dedicated party keep them around and conscious in any way while searching for a cure?
I had a think and came up with a potential 3 part process to achieve this:
- Cast false life on the character, giving them 1d4+4 hit points for one hour. At this point she is still unconscious.
- Cast cure wounds on her, which won't give her actual hit points, but may still bring her to consciousness as she has temporary hit points from false life (though these comments suggest that might not work.)
- In order to keep her conscious, cast heroes' feast to give temporary hit points that will last 24 more hours. (We cast false life just to give enough time to benefit from heroes' feast as common sense suggests someone who is unconscious cannot meaningfully partake in a feast of any sort.)
My only concern here is that I'm not sure if coming back to consciousness as a result of a healing spell like cure wounds is dependent on acquiring actual hit points.
Could a party member be kept functional indefinitely (regardless of the cost) until a permanent way of recovering from the Constitution score hit could be found?