I am new to DMing, and I am running the official Out of the Abyss adventure.
My players found some eggs. When the eggs hatched, baby hook horrors popped out. The players saw them and decided to try to tame them. Knowing this would be hard, I thought, "Hmm... maybe I could just give them a high DC on Animal Handling to tame or at least convince them that they are their parents." (One of them had previously dismembered the parents to the point of being un-recognizable, so the babies wouldn't think they were the parents).
So, I gave a DC of 25. This was especially hard because the highest Animal Handling bonus in the party was a +5, so they either needed to roll a 20, or use Inspiration. (We play with a house rule that inspiration=automatic 20, not just advantage.) They all just used Inspiration to succeed.
So, should this be possible? I know that Animal Handling is used to calm creatures, but the players were also the first thing they saw. I found nothing in any 5e rule books saying anything about this.
My main problem is that I only thought of asking forums after I said that it worked, so I don't want to be evil and just bluntly take what I said back.