Robert, a 3rd level human druid possessing the feat Craft Wondrous Item, desires to make Boots of Striding and Springing (DMG p.251). However, he lacks the necessary 5 ranks in Jump called for in the prerequisites of the item. His friend, a 3rd level orc barbarian named Arnold, is very talented at jumping - possessing over the necessary 5 ranks.
Whilst the item creation rules do support multiple casters contributing toward the spell prerequisites of an item (Ibid., p.282), are there any printed rules which allow for non-spell item prerequisites to be contributed toward item creation by individuals other than the individual possessing Craft Wondrous Item?
If such supplemental rules do exist, where are those rules?
Note: I was able to find and retrieve this "Rules of the Game" article which seems to answer my question, I am unable to find any printed material that iterates what S. Williams says1 in this source. Is this a holdover from 3e?
1: "Two or more characters can work together to create an item, with each character providing one or more prerequisites."