The Beast Conclave revised ranger (from Unearthed Arcana: Revised Ranger) gains an animal companion. The Companion's Bond feature description states:
Your companion uses your proficiency bonus rather than its own. [...]
Your animal companion gains proficiency in two skills of your choice.
I'm confused about how to calculate a ranger's animal companion's skill bonuses.
Say I'm playing a level 3 revised ranger (proficiency bonus +2) with the Beast Conclave who has a panther as his animal companion. The panther stat block (MM pg. 333) gives the panther stat bonuses of Perception +4, Stealth +6 (with DEX 15 [+2], WIS 14 [+2], CR ¼).
The DMG (pg. 274) states that monsters with a CR of ¼ get a proficiency bonus of +2, though I don't know if that is relevant here.
How do I calculate the animal companion's skill bonuses?
I would guess I ignore the skill bonuses given in the animal's stat block and calculate them as I would a PC.
Say I choose Stealth (DEX) and Survival (WIS) as the panther's skill proficiencies.
If my understanding is correct, the panther's skill bonuses are:
- Perception +2 (ignoring the standard panther's skill bonus)
- Stealth +4 (ranger's prof. bonus + DEX)
- Survival +4 (ranger's prof. bonus + WIS)
Is that accurate? It almost feels like a downgrade (though when the ranger reaches high levels it won't be as bad).