A friend and I have been alternating mastering a game of Star Wars D6 by WEG. It's not really a full blown campaign, more like a series of one-shots loosely linked together. And we came across a major snag: starship combat, especially when ships of different scales are involved.
Basically, unless our understanding of the rules is completely off, we realized that a starfighter scale ship, which also includes space transports like the YT-1300, has virtually no chance of doing anything against a capital scale ship, knowing that capital scale includes ship as varied as a Customs corvette up to a Star Destroyer. Which seems a bit strange given that a corvette is about 100m long while a Star Destroyer goes up to 1km, with exponentially more weapons than the corvette.
The various editions of the rules basically all boils down to this: smaller ship will be harder to hit but will take more damage when hit, bigger ship will be easier to hit will be more resistant to damage.
But, in practice, the capital ship gets barely a scratch despite being hit at repeatedly every round, while the starfighter scale ship gets almost blown out of the sky at the first hit, which makes combat very boring and unheroic as soon as ships from two different classes are involved.
On the rules I use, the starfighter scale ship gets +6D when evading and firing on the Capital ship, while the Capital ship gets +6D to resist damage inflicted by the starfighter scale ship and also to inflict damage to the starfighter scale ship. Which is a lot.
So, what can we do to make space combat more interesting, and give our players a chance when facing bigger ships?
We're looking for a way to modify the rule while trying to keep it simple. Or maybe just scrap it and use another rule instead, we're open to all suggestions.
We're not going to allow them to take on a Star Destroyer with their YT-1300, but a Customs Corvette or something that is the same size should be a hard challenge but doable. They should at least be able to damage it as they escape to make it an heroic and stressful feat and a good end to a game.