I've run a few rounds of Savage Worlds, and I like the quick character generation and minimal bookkeeping. I'm a little frustrated with a phenomenon which is hardly unique to the system: in combat, the d8s and d10s are merrily hacking up goblins, CHUDs, and zerglings. But the characters with d4 or d6 Fighting or Shooting can't hit, and can't hurt anything they do hit, especially against big targets. The lack of hitpoints compounds this, because they can't wear down the enemy.
The most obvious alternative is for them to use Intimidate and Taunt to shake opponents. However, it's mostly the fighter-types who have Intimidate. Taunt makes me a little queasy, I just can't see much in-game justification for it without descending into absurd camp, especially against non-human opponents. The Explorer's Guide uses the example of a character flashing her cleavage as a Taunt... that sounds like something that stereotypical basement-dwelling D&D nerds would think of; I thought we'd evolved past that!
Many characters with low combat skills will have some kind of arcane background, but this may not be an option for newbies. I feel like the game works well with characters which are min/maxed for either kick-ass fighting, or shooting, or fireballs, but leaves mixed-use d6-heavy characters with little to do. Such characters typically take the lead in social situations, but these are downplayed in SW.
There's a similar question here, but the (really good!) solutions given derive from the details of the game system.
There's a similar discussion here, which addresses the matter of having character with different levels of combat-optimization in a system-agnostic manner. There's good stuff there, but I'm specifically interested in ways to keep low-combat-skill characters mechanically involved when combat's going on. After missing or doing no damage four turns in a row, their attention tends to drift, and I can't blame them.
I'm open to house rules, but I hesitate to start tinkering when I'm so new to the system. Are there Savage World masters here who've had success with this?
P.S., I swear I'm not an agent of Nyarlathotep, sent to pollute rpg.stackexchange.com with open-ended and subjective questions!