I've had this problem for awhile now. When deconstructing monsters from the various Monster Manuals (to modify or add templates etc) their skill ranks do not add up properly.
Am I missing something, doing something wrong or is this simply an example where the Primary Source rule is changing the monsters without stating it's doing so?
As an example, let's take the loyal dog Monster Manual pg 271.
His stat block shows:
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Dogs Have +4 Racial Bonus to Jump
* Dogs have +4 Racial Bonus to Survival when tracking by scent.
Animals get (2 +int modifier skill points per level, minimum 1) (×4 for 1st HD). Due to the animal's negative Int modifier, he gets 1×4=4 skill points for 1st HD.
It's easier to word this question by building the skill stats from the ground up rather than deconstructing so I'll do that here just to make it read easier:
Spot: +1 Wis, +2 Alertness =+3 (before spending ranks)
Listen: +1 Wis, +2 Alertness =+3 (before spending ranks)
Survival: +1 Wis=+1 (before spending ranks)
Jump: +1Str, +4 Racial Bonus AND +4 speed (untyped) bonus since he has a 40' movement. (See link for explanation if your unfamiliar)=+9 (before spending ranks)
So, taking all the info above, it appears that the dog spent 2 points in spot & his last 2 in listen and a negative rank in jump!?
The only other explanation I can see is that they ignored the speed bonus to jump while giving him an extra 3 skill points to spend.
So, back to my question:
Am I missing something, doing something wrong or is this simply an example where the Primary Source rule is changing the monsters without stating it's doing so?