We are starting a new campaign soon with 7 players. To avoid a lot of extra rolling and stuff, the DM banned summons (companions/mounts).
I still wanted to play a Shadow Magic sorcerer (XGtE, p. 50-51) - but since the 6th-level feature, Hound of Ill Omen, is a summoned creature, I asked if I could homebrew something to replace it.
I tried my best to get a lot of aspects of Hound of Ill Omen in this replacement feature, but I wonder how it holds up against it. Is it stronger than Hound of Ill Omen, or weaker?
My homebrew replacement feature is:
Shadow Link
1 bonus action
3 sorcery points
120 feet range
A line of shadow forms between you and the linked target. At the beginning of its turn, the linked target makes a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes an amount of necrotic damage equal to your sorcerer level plus your Charisma modifier, and the following effects apply until the beginning of its next turn:
You know where the target is, except if the target is invisible or on another plane.
If the target moves more than half its speed, it takes an amount of necrotic damage equal to your sorcerer level, and has disadvantage on saving throws against any spell you cast.
The target can attempt to break the link by making a Charisma saving throw after the initial effect. The link also breaks if the target dies, or after 1 minute has passed.