For reference, the major image spell description states:
You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon (1) that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. The image appears at a spot that you can see within range and lasts for the duration. It seems completely real, including sounds, smells, and temperature appropriate to the thing depicted. You can’t create sufficient heat or cold to cause damage, a sound loud enough to deal thunder damage or deafen a creature, or a smell that might sicken a creature (like a troglodyte’s stench). (2)
As long as you are within range of the illusion, you can use your action to cause the image to move to any other spot within range. As the image changes location, you can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the image. (3)
For example, if you create an image of a (4) creature and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be walking. Similarly, you can cause the illusion to make different sounds at different times, even making it carry on a conversation, for example.
(PHB p. 258, emphasis mine)
What I'd like to do:
Cast the spell in such a way that I stand among a 20ft x 20ft square filled with illusions that are exact images of me, and move in tandem with them in an attempt to have an opponent strike an incorrect copy of me, a la (small Infinity War spoiler)
Dr. Strange when he faces down Thanos.
Points to consider regarding my annotations:
(1) Does the purview of "some other visible phenomenon" cover me here? I'm not trying to "break" the spell necessarily; what I'm trying to create is a visible phenomenon.
(2) These seem to be the only explicit limiting factors, though I acknowledge the intent behind them seems to only be to limit certain advantageous affects which the spell cannot grant.
(3) Because it's a single casting and not multiple uses of the spell, would the images be required to move synchronously?
(4) The "a" here. Is it limiting? Does it only apply to the example the spell offers and thus, not to other scenarios (mine included) necessarily?
Other points raised:
I have considered that, if disbelieved, the spell would cause ALL copies of me to be found-out and made transparent, as it is a single spell. I still can see tactical advantages to be gained in using the spell in this way regardless.
I acknowledge this could be a situation where the answer is "It is up to your DM".
I acknowledge "spells only do what they say they do"; I am having trouble understanding what this spell says it does.
Mirror image exists; for me, it is not a desirable replacement because if major image could do this, then it offers a mirror image-like ability and also the rest of what major image can do, and is therefore a stronger spell.
I would prefer answers based on RAW.