I'm sure your first thought is, that's perfectly clear. Unfortunately my group who aren't normally rules lawyers disagree.
Party encounters a Werewolf (MM p.211). It has:
Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons.
My reading of that is if the weapon has to be magical and silvered to hurt it. So a +1 silver dagger will hurt it, but a +1 regular dagger or a +0 silver dagger won't. The group's interpretation was that all three of those weapons would hurt and only a +0 regular dagger would be ineffective.
I would also note my interpretation would mean something like blade barrier would also not harm it since you could argue they're magical blades but nothing indicates that they're silvered.
This also appears to be the same wording for some undead so I'm not looking for a lycanthrope specific interpretation but something general for every time that wording is used.
Thanks in advance.