If this is not the place for this type of question, redirect me - I am new here, and apologize in advance.
So. My group is looking for something new. Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 in my own setting is our norm. We played a couple of months of Song of Ice and Fire RP, a while back, and liked some of that, but wanted to return to more fantasy. A few players have been wanting me to run a GURPS4 game, so I am - on the condition that we use the new world I've been developing.
I have ideas running out the nose, here, I'm using evernote to organize myself and have a blog/wiki for an adventure log and to reveal wiki info to the players as their characters learn more about this world.
All of that said - I'd also kind of like to toy with the idea of writing a book out of this world - all the world building could be used twice over, if I do that. My writing ideas are where the material for this world is coming from, anyway.
So the actual question, with that background is: Should I use the 'alien' races as commonly presented in High Fantasy (Elves, Dragons, Orcs, Drow, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Duergar... etc) or should I create all my own. Or just use different 'races' of Men, and leave it at that. If I chose the latter, should I have non sentient monsters?
I guess I'm asking for opinions. Are standard races/monsters tired? Would you rather play, or read about, new ones? Just humans? Old ones, with new twists?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I've decided to go with primarily human species in this world, with a couple of other intelligent races that are less prevalent, and some monsters, specifically in cave/wilderness scenarios. But overall, it'll be humankind, in all of its black, white, and shades of grey. Thanks for the insights.