I have a Pathfinder homebrew campaign that I want to run for 5th edition D&D players. Naturally, I will swap out monsters as needed (though I templated a lot of them, so that will get interesting). However, the boss fights tended to be with NPCs, often using Pathfinder’s Occult classes.
I was hoping to continue to use the NPCs with consolidation of skills, DCs, advantage vs bonuses, and removal of most magic items. Given the Pathfinder attack and damage bonuses, should the 5th Ed players start at a higher level, and, if so, how could that be determined? Someone wrote up ‘benchmarks’ for what numbers PF characters should ideally hit for attack and damage; something similar for 5E could prove a useful comparison.
It isn’t likely to be a very mechanics-heavy campaign, or else I might do a proper conversion or swap out villains.
The PF campaign ran in person with 4-6 players at level 3, all extreme power gamers. The new group will be less involved in mechanics, and the campaign will be play by post. Player count is uncertain but at least 4.