This Sky Barbarian path is loosely based on the Path of the Storm Herald barbarian and the Way of the Four Elements monk. It is designed to give barbarians a way to deal damage on range without sacrificing melee damage but I am worried that it is a bit too powerful in damage.
How does it compare to other barbarian paths in terms of damage?
Sky Barbarian
Saving Throw DC
Some sky barbarian traits require a saving throw. The DC for this is 8 + proficiency + constitution modifier.
Level 3 - Building Charge
While raging you gain the following benefits:
You emit a stormy aura, sparking against all enemies within 10 feet when you enter your rage and again at the beginning of each turn for the duration of your rage. Each time this hits an enemy you gain one static electricity point to a maximum of your barbarian level. you lose all your points when you exit your rage.
You can use an action and up to half of your maximum static electricity to discharge a bolt of lightning to a creature within 30 feet. the creature must make a dexterity saving throw and take 1d8 lightning damage for each expended point or half as much on a successful save. This counts as attacking for the purposes of continuing your rage.
Level 6 - Fly Like the Wind
You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed but can't end your turn in the air. Alternatively, you can halve your flying speed to stay in the air until your next turn.
Level 10 - Lightning Strike
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage to the target. When you reach 15th level, the extra damage increases to 2d6.
Level 14 - Electric Discharge
You can use an action to end your rage early and release a blast for its full potential, dealing 1d8 lightning damage for half your max static electricity charges to everyone in 10 feet or half as much on a successful dexterity saving throw. You need at least a fourth of your static electricity charges to use this. You can only use this ability once every long rest. At level 18, you are able to use this ability twice per long rest.