The text of the condition 'Broken (Persistent)' (Core rulebook, p288) reads (my emphasis):
Whatever you did or saw, something inside you snapped. You can barely muster up the will to do your job anymore, and anything more emotionally intense than a raised voice makes you flinch and back down. Apply a -2 to all Social rolls and rolls involving Resolve, and a -5 to any use of the Intimidation Skill.
Resolution: You back down from a confrontation or fail a roll due to this Condition. If you regain a dot of Integrity, lose another dot of Integrity, or achieve an exceptional success on a breaking point, you can shed this Condition.
Does this mean that I should roll the dice I lose due to the penalty separately to see if they would have lead to a success instead, and only shed the condition when the 'real' roll is a fail while the 'lost' roll would have changed the outcome to a success?