Constrict states:
A creature with this special attack can crush an opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, after making a successful grapple check. The amount of damage is given in the creature’s entry...
Assuming one is already in a grapple, how should one read it?
- Each time you make a successful grapple check, Constrict activates, and constriction damage is added to any other results of that successful grapple check. If that is the case, should grapple checks made to oppose enemy's actions which succeed also trigger Constrict?
- You make a grapple check specifically to activate Constrict. The result is constriction damage dealt. If that is the case, what action does it require? Should it be made in place of an attack?
Also, the Rules Compendium on Constrict states:
A creature that has this extraordinary special attack can crush an opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, after making a successful grapple check to deal damage. The amount of damage is given in the creature’s entry...
Bold mine
Does the Rules Compendium change something or clarify things maybe?
- When you make a grapple check to deal damage, can you deal damage equivalent to an unarmed strike (plus any strength modifier) in addition to constriction damage under Rules Compendium variant?
- Or does Constrict let one deal bludgeoning damage given in the creature’s entry as a result of a successful grapple check to deal damage and nothing more?
I would appreciate the most an answer which addresses both cases: when Rules Compendium is in play and when the game is played based on SRD definitions. This is mostly because some people doubt Rules Compendium authority to state rules.