I own both the English and German version of the D&D 5e Player's Handbook. On pages 204 and 205 it talks about area of effect spells and whether or not the point of origin is included in it.
The English PHB states:
A [cone,cube,line]'s point of origin is not included in the [cone,cube,line]'s area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
A [cylinder,sphere]'s point of origin is included in the [cylinder,sphere]'s area of effect.
While the English version differentiated between two types of point of origin, the German version states the same sentence for all 5 types. Which is a translation of the sentence used in the English version for the cone, cube and line.
Der Ursprungspunkt [des/der] [Kegels,Linie,Sphäre,Würfels,Zylinders] ist nicht Teil [seines/ihres] Flächeneffekts, es sei denn, du möchtest, dass er es ist.
Both the Basic Rules PDF and the System Reference Document use the same wording as the English PHB.
My English PHB says its version is:
Tenth Printing: October 2018.
While my German one says:
- überarbeitete Auflage, 2019
Is this a mistake in the translated version? If so, who can I report this too?