If something says I have a bonus to damage rolls does that number get applied to the number on the dice or to the damage after the roll?
I was looking at the Hexblade's Curse feature which says I gain a +3 bonus (my proficiency bonus) to damage rolls. From reading that it sounds to me like it would apply to the number on the dice, adding 3 to whatever I roll up to the maximum (so if I rolled a 6 on a d8 I would add 2 to get to 8 but the last bit would be lost). This also matches up with what I thought I heard in the last campaign I played. But then I looked at the Improved Pact Weapon feature which says the weapon gets a +1 to damage rolls and on the DDB character sheet it treats it as bonus damage not a bonus to the roll. So which way would I apply this?
In response to the duplicate vote that question is asking about hitting a target in the first place. I'm not asking about that. I'm asking about the bonus to damage rolls.