The general consensus on this site is that the Warcaster feat does not grant the ability to cast spells with material components when wielding two pieces of equipment because the caster needs a free hand to interact with their arcane focus or pouch.
Assuming the spellcaster is using an arcane focus, would there be significant balance ramifications to lifting this limitation?
This would essentially amount to saying that the Warcaster feat grants the spellcaster the dexterity to interact with their arcane focus when wielding two pieces of equipment.
In my experience, I've found that material components are functionally equivalent to somatic components in every case except those where GP-equivalent components are consumed. So right now I can't see any immediate negative effects of lifting this limitation. Am I missing anything?
For additional context, the spellcaster in question is a Warlock in my campaign that's using a combination of the Warcaster and Polearm Master feats while wielding a shield and spear.
Additionally, my group tends to be very flexible and lax with components, typically treating them as little more than "flavored" somatic components, except in the case where the components are consumed.