I'm a first time DM and perhaps foolishly gave one of my PCs (whose backstory is that his family was killed by a demon) a talisman of pure good after completing a quest. Now I am regretting it, because if I put the party up against an evil creature, they can pretty easily get rid of it by just using the talisman.
The wording of the talisman of pure good says:
you can use an action to expend 1 charge from it and choose one creature you can see on the ground within 120 feet of you. If the target is of evil alignment, a flaming fissure opens under it. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or fall into the fissure and be destroyed, leaving no remains. The fissure then closes, leaving no trace of its existence.
A couple questions on that:
- Can a flying evil creature simply fly over the fissure, and thus
avoid the saving throw and the threat?
Nothing in the wording says the creature is sucked or pushed into the fissure, which seems to imply that a creature not on the ground could easily avoid it. - Does a demon/devil on the material plane get completely destroyed, or simply sent back to the Abyss/Nine Hells?
- Are there any other strategies I'm not thinking of to get around my earlier foolishness in giving my PCs such a powerful artifact?