Here is a comprehensive DPR calculator, and here is the mathematics behind it. I'm trying to follow along with the equations.
At the bottom of the second page are formulas for success probability \$L\$ of a Halfling (who has luck) in normal circumstances and with advantage and disadvantage. With advantage it is $$L_{adv} = P_{adv} + \left(\frac{2}{20}(1-P) - \frac{1}{400}\right)P,$$ where:
- \$P\$ is the probability of succeeding on any single roll and
- \$P_{adv} = 1 - (1-P)^2\$ is the probability of succeeding with advantage (ie not failing both rolls).
In my attempt for deriving this (below), I have a sign error. Please can someone explain where I've gone wrong/show a correct derivation?
To succeed you require:
- succeeding outright while advantaged, OR
- rolling a \$1\$ with die \$a\$ AND failing with die \$b\$, AND THEN succeeding the reroll, OR
- rolling a \$1\$ with die \$b\$ AND failing with die \$a\$, AND THEN succeeding the reroll, OR
- rolling two \$1\$s AND THEN succeeding a reroll: $$L_{adv} = P_{adv} + \frac{1}{20}*(1-P)*P + \frac{1}{20}*(1-P)*P + \frac{1}{400}*P\\= P_{adv} + \left(\frac{2}{20}(1-P) + \frac{1}{400}\right)P$$