The closest suggestions to what you want that I have found are a Beast Master ranger or the find [greater] steed spells
I was unable to find anything that allows a wizard/warlock to have self-only spells also affect a familiar summoned via find familiar. The closest things I could find would require heavy multiclassing into undesired classes, and still wouldn't actually affect the familiar, but here's what I found...
The Beast Master ranger gets a class feature at 15th level called Share Spells (PHB, p. 93), which says:
Beginning at 15th level, when you cast a spell targeting yourself, you can also affect your beast companion with the spell if the beast is within 30 feet of you.
This doesn't affect a familiar via find familiar like you wanted, but it does allow your beast companion to benefit from Tenser's transformation. Note that with 15 levels in ranger, you wouldn't have access to Tenser's transformation anyway.
Alternatively, if you were able to gain access to the find steed (PHB, p. 240) or find greater steed (XGtE, p. 156) spells (which, as far as I'm aware, means taking levels in paladin or bard1), both of which say:
While mounted on it, you can make any spell you cast that targets only you also target [your/the] mount.
Again, this still doesn't affect the familiar via find familiar, but this should also allow a summoned mount to be affected by Tenser's transformation. If you took the bard route, you could learn Tenser's transformation via Magical Secrets, otherwise this build also doesn't have access to Tenser's transformation.
1 Actually, there is another way for this to work; rather than being of a class that can cast either find steed or find greater steed, you can instead use the Ring of Spell Storing, which can hold spells of 5th level or lower. If you know a paladin or bard with either of the steed spells, they can cast it into the ring, allowing you, a wizard/warlock, to cast find steed or find greater steed, and thus still having access to Tenser's transformation via wizard levels. Of course, none of this resolves the problem that it doesn't help with your familiar via find familiar...