I used to DM a group of players who liked to heavily optimize their characters (and the group as a whole) to take as little and deal as much damage as possible (seriously, these guys were crazy). It got to the point that I was routinely throwing encounters at them that would be considered "deadly" for a group of their level. Unfortunately, some of the members of that group moved away at around 6th level, so I never got to see how it carried on to later levels.
I recognize that this question is very broad, so to clarify and narrow it down a bit:
What is the most optimizable class from the Players Handbook for damage output per round in a single encounter, assuming the character:
- is fighting four Brown Bears
- has just finished a long rest
- has no magic items
- uses the standard ability array or point buy,
- has no buff effects from allies.
and to narrow it down further:
- use only RAW content from the Players Handbook
For the sake of clarity, let's define damage per round as the amount of damage a character can do averaged out between 5 consecutive rounds (assume the character doesn't die and the bears don’t die). Damage from Area of Effect spells hit all four bears.
Also, I'd like to state that I'm not looking for survivability here, so things like HP and AC are irrelevant.