I'm playing a Shadow character in a campaign which is running for 2 year. Our party has reached a great amount gnosi (27), and we are all level 13.
The main features of my character is agility and speed movement. He can move 150m/turn at full speed (even more with Ki agumentation) and I cannot understand how to manage this in combat situation.
If he moves at full speed he can easily get out of close combat range.
If he uses Ki agumentation he can moves up to 25Km/turn at full speed, this should allow to enter/exit combat range with a simple partial movement (passive action).
How should I manage this great difference in speed during combat situations?
Edit 1:
@IgneusJotunn the rest of the party moves normally (10 to 20 m/turn); they have other kind of special abilities. We all perform more or less the same number of attacks per turn (this number is determinated by the attack ability and not by the movement speed).
Also the enemies usually have other kind of peculiarities, so in normal situation my character goes as slow as he can in order to remain with the party. But a battle is a battle, so he uses all his power and moves as fast as he can. He has an Ars Magnus which allow him to appear at the back of his opponent and perform some attacks.
A problem is when someone perform an area attack, usually the range of the attach is much lower than his movement speed, so it should be able to evade them simply moving out of the range instead of performing a Dodge roll. But this seems to be a bit overpower because will ensure immunity to any kind of attacks simply by getting out of the range.