I have deemed the ignorant masses of several nearby regions to be unfit to rule themselves. Unfortunately, they've established a democracy to determine leadership of their region and continuously refuse to elect myself to rule over every aspect of their lives with an iron fist.
Given my loss in the most recent election was, "staggeringly lopsided," per most political analysts I've decided I need to deviate from my current tactics of calling the ignorant masses, "ignorant masses." While I have considered the possibility of simply gerrymandering the overall electorate via a well-placed meteor swarm, I think I would much prefer to have as much perceived legitimacy in the upcoming election as possible. I believe this will greatly reduce the likelihood of other regions interfering following my Great Ascension (Task #4D on my to-do list).
With that option off the table, I then needed to determine an alternative method to ensure an electoral victory and it finally dawned on me last night during my ritual cleansing. I could use the ballots of the recently deceased!
As a powerful 20th level Wizard specializing in the School of Necromancy, I can most definitely increase my electability by killing off members of the electorate and raising undead minions to have them vote for me!
With this in mind, what is the most number of previously humanoid undead that I can control (directly or indirectly) to ensure my victory during an election?
- Metric: Total number of undead created from humanoid corpses that are under direct or indirect control within the specified time frame. Other types of undead are of no use to me as they won't be eligible to vote.
- Time Frame: The election is 14 days away and no additional voters may register after today.
- Assume a 20th Level Wizard specializing in Necromancy, no multiclassing, but any feats, race, or background is permissible.
- Once an undead is created, it must remain controlled all the way through the election, including election day itself (don't want the Supervisor of Elections looking too closely because a zombie cast a vote and then ate the old lady in the next booth). After that, it's someone else's problem.
- Legitimacy is important and thus I refuse to change my form to appease the ignorant masses, thus polymorphing is prohibited.
- Wish may be used to duplicate a spell only.
- Assume that any number of humanoid corpses can be created per day as necessary, but to be counted towards the total, the created undead must have been part of the currently living electorate (so no robbing graves for bodies).
- Were I to use magical items, there are political opponents who might suggest my success were due to the creators of those magical items. Thus, to prove my doubters wrong, I shall not use any magical items.
- 'Indirect control' as used above should be construed to mean undead which are created by other undead which I have direct control over. Thus, if I have dominion over a vampire and it creates a vampire spawn, said vampire spawn is an undead that I have indirect control over. However, if control of the vampire is lost then I'd lose all of those spawn as well.
- I have managed to fund my campaign using a PAC to avoid tax liabilities. As such, I've a sum of 30,000 gold pieces which I may expend on costly material components consumed by any spells I cast. Components which are not consumed by a spell, I have already procured.
- If it is relevant, assume an ability score of 20 for all abilities.
- No limit on which or how many official sources are used, but no UA or homebrew.