Level 6 Bladesinger Wizards have a unique Extra Attack feature:
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.
I read "one of those" to mean "one of the two attacks that you can make with Extra Attack". But I have seen other people make a different reading: since "those" is plural, this means the Bladesinger needs to make 2 attacks (or more) in total to use this half of the feature.
This reading sounds fine to me, but I'm unsure how it would resolve some fairly common situations:
- The Bladesinger attacks a goblin, and swaps their first attack for Booming Blade. They kill the goblin in 1 hit. There are no other enemies around. Since the Bladesinger made only 1 attack, is that legal?
- The Bladesinger decides to only attack once, they tell the DM: "I know I am allowed to attack twice, but I just want to do 1 attack". Can they swap that one attack out for a cantrip?
- The Bladesinger doesn't declare their intentions, and asks to use a cantrip on their first attack. The DM doesn't know if they are going to make a second attack at all, is that allowed?
There may be other situations like this which are difficult to resolve. What's the deal here? Can the Bladesinger even use a cantrip on their first attack? Which reading is correct, and if the later is correct how do we resolve these situations?