I recently acquired Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, because duh, dragons. It is the only 5e source book I own, although I have borrowed PHB, Xanathar's, Tasha's, etc from friends and family while building characters and playing in campaigns.
Frequently, usually in the "<age>
dragon connections" sections, Fizban's mentions dragons of various colors different from one another having romantic interests, making eggs together, raising hatchlings together, etc.
I was able to find one question that was looking for lore for dragon crossbreeds in 3.5e, and a few others from various non-5e versions related to applying half-dragon templates and so on to stat out the possible results, but I was curious if anywhere there are official (particularly 5e) rules for the offspring of dragons of non-same colors? Ie, do you get actual crossbreeds, do they inherit one parent or the other's type, and if so in what probability...and so on.
Obviously, one could house rule or home brew whatever they want (and if I were running a campaign, I probably would do just that), but I am curious if there are actual specific rules already in place.