So, in one of the previous campaigns I played, I had a character whose own personal goals often ended up at odds with the rest of the party (who all agreed with each other). It was difficult to figure out how to try and complete those goals without everyone else wanting to beat my character senseless.
So I'm asking for ideas - what are some good ways for a character to achieve their goals when they run contrary to what the entire rest of the part wants?
Some examples of situations I'd like this to be applicable to:
- A fighter is accepting payment/bribes from a third party, who wants the target of a rescue mission dead.
- A druid who wants to stop the party from taking some action, due to prior experience. (Ex: We nearly set a forest on fire once. How would that druid discreetly prevent the group from taking similar actions, even though they all want to because it pays very well?)
- A rogue who wants that universe's equivalent of the One Ring for themselves. (Yeah, I just saw The Hobbit. Shaddap.)
And so on...
EDIT: I figured that the alternative goal would pretty much always be known to the other players, but the methods used to achieve it would not be. I am generally against betrayal as well, and prefer the other players to at least know that this is a possibility. Failure out of left field is not fun.
My second example is pretty explicit in that even the characters know about this alternative goal, and would (presumably) assume that your character is just going along with them for the time being.
My original example that spawned this question was from DnD 3.5e, a Lawful Evil Cleric + Undetectable Alignment every single day + high Bluff, who rather failed in his subversive tactics, largely due to a lack of imagination on my part and general inexperience with RPGs. The other characters did not know his alignment, although out-of-character the players did.