The bard class feature Magical Secrets says:
By 10th level, you have plundered magical knowledge from a wide spectrum of disciplines. Choose two spells from any classes, including this one. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip.
The chosen spells count as bard spells for you and are included in the number in the Spells Known column of the Bard table.
You learn two additional spells from any classes at 14th level and again at 18th level."
You can choose any number of spells as long as they are available. Does this mean if I pick a high level bard, or just don't pick a magical secret spell at 10th level, can I use that say level 10 feature to pick a higher level spell from another class?
This is of course taking into account if you are allowed to wait to take the secrets by the DM.