My character died. It was mainly my fault, and I believe the DM gave me several chances to get out of the situation myself. I just didn't think of it and was, like oh, yeah. We went over this. I did what I could.
It's the first time my character has actually died in something, and so I'm not doing well. Incredibly bad luck and situational panic on the other players' behalf ended up with me dead.
I thought I was emotionally mature enough to handle it, but after having dealt with an awful week and just my emotional response to things, I'm starting to reconsider whether or not I should continue playing. I get too attached to things and people. With this particular system, I can very easily end up in this situation again and I'm not sure whether it's the best when I'm not the most emotionally stable.
I actually think I need to take the loss here and kind of gracefully bow out before I become a problem. I like everyone in the group, but is there a way to do this without hurting people's feelings?
This is a group of relative strangers whom I don't hang out with much outside of the game, with the exception of one player who is my significant other. I do not think she'd be mad at me for leaving, especially when she knows how exactly I get with things like this as I tend to invest a lot of myself into my writings and characters. These are moreso her friends than mine because she's played with them longer and I essentially had this character for about maybe a month and a half.
Conclusion - 7/7/2022
Told the dm I was out because I can't handle that happening to another character again and I was as nice as possible when leaving.
GF will still be playing in the game and that's her prerogative.