On page 142 of the core rules for Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, it says this (italics are mine):
Drive Statements: A character’s highest drives also have statements associated with them. When a character wishes to use a drive as part of a skill test, they must check to see if the statement agrees or conflicts with the action being taken. If a character’s drives agree with their actions, they receive bonuses, while if their drives conflict with their actions, they may be hindered.
That information is repeated more or less word for word on page 24 of the Agents of Dune campaign pack.
Is the above just a clumsy way of repeating that you can add a relevant Drive score to the skill score to get your target number?
For instance the character Kara Molay could add Duty 7 + Battle 6 = 13, when her drive of "I am the Heir of my House" is relevant/appropriate.
Or does the 'bonuses' and 'hindered' part mean something else in addition to simply adding the Drive score? Something that will change that score of 13, or will change the Difficulty? Because I can't find any other reference in the rules to getting bonuses from a Drive!
Does anyone know of a game mechanic from one of the other 2d20 games which will clarify this?