The introductory story to "Sea of Shadows" has this little tidbit:
The Legionnaires were moving through the area, meticulously searching both sides of the street. A few of them had barghests. I laughed a little to myself, knowing the Oblivion-sniffers wouldn't find me.
Reading this got me thinking: how could a character achieve this? What in the rulebooks would hide a wraith from barghests; an application of Enshroud, or is there another power, equipment or what-have-you?
One difficulty in answering this are the innumerable rules gaps in Wraith: the Oblivion. It doesn't describe any particular supernatural perception or tracking ability for barghests (which are wraiths that have been... processed in a special way) that another ability might target. Consequently, if there were a power to conceal a wraith from barghests, it might target barghests, rather than abilities barghests would use, or be based on the abilities of the wraith (such as Enshroud, which, in the 20th Anniversary edition, adds dice to Stealth rolls; the 2nd Edition is vaguer as to effects). That said, I can find a few abilities that barghests might use:
- All wraiths have Deathsight, which "lets wraiths view the Oblivion within all things". The epithet "Oblivion-sniffers" might be a reference to Deathsight. However, mechanically Deathsight lets wraiths identify weak spots of things in the skinlands, rather than an ability related to dead things.
- Barghests' perception is 5, and will likely play a part of any roll. As this is a general attribute, it's doubtful any power would target it directly.
- Barghests have a Tracking of 5. This is unlikely to be targeted directly by a power, which instead would more likely affect Stealth rolls (as an ability that opposes Tracking).
- Barghests have Argos 3, which includes Tempestpeek in 2E, and presumably Weather Eye in 20th. Both let a wraith peek into the Tempest, thus finding anyone attempting to hide there. Enshroud in 2E explicitly states that the wraith is "unseen in both Tempest and Shadowlands", making it even more likely the ability that the line from the story is based on. In 20th, an Enshrouded wraith is "manipulat[ing] the membrane between the Shadowlands and the Tempest, drawing the sunless sea over herself for concealment", so it's less clear whether this ability would help conceal someone from a barghest (or anyone with Weather Eye).