I'm doing more theory crafting / deep dive into the Chameleon prestige class and I could use some help clarifying how the Chameleon interacts with item creation feats.
It is well established that a Chameleon must acquire item creation feats using caster levels or alternate methods that do not rely on the Chameleon's arcane / divine focus feat.
However, can the Chameleon use the caster level from those focuses (Caster level 2x Chameleon level) in order to meet the prerequisites to craft a specific magic item, or are they entirely reliant on the caster level / features acquires from outside the class?
For example - to craft an Iron Golem it is required that the caster MUST be 16th level in addition to the required spells to put one together.
Can the player use 8 levels of Chameleon to meet this prerequisite rather than rely on the usual 1-5 caster levels most Chameleons shoehorn into the build to meet item caster requirements?