I'm starting a new campaign with a level 3 divination wizard. My race is custom lineage with fey touched feat and I selected gift of alacrity as the free first level spell to cast (together with misty step of course).
My idea for the character is a crowd control wizard, not interested in damage but disabling the enemies. For example casting hold person and make sure he fails the saving throw with portent or with mind sliver. I'll take lucky feat at level 4 too.
I currently have the following spells and attributes selected. I took both mage armor and mirror image but I'm not sure if it is worth casting both at the same time, or if mirror image means mage armour is not worth casting.
Strength 8 (-1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 18 (+4)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 8 (-1)
- Light
- Mage Hand
- Mind sliver
Level 1 spells:
- Detect Magic (R)
- Find Familiar (R)
- Comprehend Languages (R)
- Shield
- Mage Armor
- Magic Missile
- Gift of Alacrity
- Absorb Elements
- Disguise Self
Level 2 Spells:
- Misty step
- Hold person
- Mirror Image
Is this selection of spells likely to achieve my goals of crowd control/disabling on top of usual wizard survival/utility given my current race, attributes and intended feat, or would different spells fulfill that purpose better?