I have an epic character in a game where epic armors and shields can go up to a +20 effective bonus and up to a +10 enhancement bonus at most, with enough money to buy a +20 armor and eventually a +20 shield.
I am looking to find the best armor I can get for this specific character, which I will later describe.
There are several things to consider while doing that:
- I will be able to put armor special abilities also on two specific wondrous items, (epic) bracers of armor and harness of armor and some special abilities can also go on the shield.
- Items in this game can not be mixed and matched (e.g. no Bracers of Armor of Archery) and I don't want to take the epic feat for an extra item slot, so those bracers or harness would occupy an item slot that would otherwise be free, and I would rather not.
- At the same time, I would really like to get a +1 enhancement bonus on both armor and shield, even if pumping AC is not cost-effective, because I like big numbers.
- As a result, if you need to put more than a +20's worth of armor and shield special abilities across the two items, you will have to explain why it is this necessary.
Due to how crafting and epic item prices work in this game, I will be able to add fixed price special abilities later at a more convenient price than if I put them on the armor right now, and there is not really any limit to how many I can get, therefore I don't need to know which ones to get.
On the contrary, I would like answers to tel me if my choices of armor type, craft and material are the best for my character and I would like them to suggest me how to best spend the +19 effective bonus past the mandatory +1.
I don't want to have to lose lots of gp by one day discovering there's a better loadout and selling my current armor to buy a new, more optimized one.
Of course, there might be other ways to get the same benefits that an armor or shield special ability would give me, for instance there might be a spell that makes the styptic special ability redundant and therefore unnecessary.
To this effect consider the following:
- the Epic Spellcasting feat does not exist in this game;
- my character has a high UMD check so minor schemas and eternal wands are an option, but I would rather avoid using consumables the character has to pay for regularly; this character will exist for so many in-game days that constant items are always worth the cost;
- no custom constant items, only items that exist as they are on the manuals and magazines;
- 3e material is generally not available (no dastana or chahar-aina, for instance, and no old spells that have never been revised);
- the game uses a curated list of spells, but it's too long to duplicate here. If you want to suggest using a spell to avoid taking some armor enchantment, please ask in a comment if it's available first.
Note: no armor improvements from Dragon #358 except ornate and I'm limited to a single craft;
My character
I am playing a coward, pacifist explorer who will try to run, hide in plain sight, evade enemies and somehow lose them ...or die trying.
This means that they will not try fighting, which in turn means thwy will not need any ofensive or offensive-enabling anchantment.
What they already have is:
- 60-ft. land speed
- Freedom of Movement (Ex)
- Underwater breathing and a swimming speed
- Hide in Plain Sight and Camouflage in natural environments
- Hide in Plain Sight in darkness (umbral crature, via greater collar of umbral metamorphosis, houseruled to work like the template)
- +35 UMD
- Minor schemas and eternal wands can be used to cast hours-long or day-long spells, but the CL is low.
- lots of bonus fighter feats (from martial rogue, with the character being uninterested in dealing damage) means they might take exotic armor competence.
What they need are immunities, miss chances, AC.
The dangers
The Planescape setting and my character's will to visit most of it means that there's no end to the kind of enemies and environmental or planar conditions they might need to face.
The character has a ring of elemental resistance +20 and might later upgrade their armor to a +30 resistance to every energy type. I know about an enchantment that makes them temporarily immune to a single energy type of their choice but... is it worth it?
The idea
I would like to buy an ornate (Dr358) feycraft (DMGII) shadowsilk gnome twisted cloth.
- The gnome twisted cloth is almost mandatory. I have a lot of Dexterity and the cloth is the only armor I know with no Max Dexterity.
- Feycraft is there to remove the 5% arcane spell failure and I think it's better than githcraft for my character. Not that it will be relevant that often but the character casts as a 1st level wizard and might want to expand their spellcasting repertory in the far future. If not for that I would also have considered Gloryseeker, for it makes sense storywise that this epic crafter NPC is from Sif's court.
- Ornate is almost useless but it does not prevent me from adding other things, so why not?
- To my knowledge, no existing materials are applicable to gnome twist cloth, but the DM will let me use shadowsilk because the fluff says that it is applicable to all light armors.
I would like to get the following enchantments:
- Ghost guard (+1). All that +10 also counts against touch now, on a Dex-based character.
- Soulfire (+4). Immunity to death attacks and negative energy damage? Yes please.
- Styptic (+1). Immunity to bleeding.
- Improved blur (+3). Miss chance, all day long.
- Displacing (+1). Higher miss chance, but shorter and only on call.
I know that the blur and distortion are avoidable by enemies with the right buffs, and that Styptic is unlikely to ever become relevant, and I could use that space for heavy fortification or absorbing, but those I can put on my +10 Ghost Guard buckler. Which enchantments can only go on armors and not on shields obviously plays a huge part.
It would be nice if I somehow managed to have an animated shield instead of the buckler, but I will need to remove some defensuive qualities.
The character already has Soulfire bracers of armor but the fact that bracers take up a slot makes me think taking that on the armor is better.