I'm a player in a regular Deadlands game. Sessions usually run 4-5 hours, and it seems like at least an hour gets dedicated to a single combat encounter. We have several characters with high dice for Quickness, often resulting in 3 or 4 action cards per round. We also have a Huckster - things always get interesting when he's lobbing spells around.
We've been kicking around the idea of simply converting the campaign to the Savage Worlds system, which is similar but a lot more streamlined. Short of that, are there any suggestions for streamlining Deadlands combat?
I play a Buffalo Hunter with 4d6 Quickness and a speed 2 rifle. On average, I get two cards per round: one to ready the next shot and one to fire. Our party usually has 6 or 7 people, so I'm often stuck sitting around waiting while everyone else does more complicated stuff. Granted, that's per my character's design, but it still feels like a drag.