This is a magical effect that I am able to get in our Pathfinder 1e game.
Any hostile creature must succeed on a Reflex save any time it becomes or starts its turn adjacent to you. A creature that fails its save cannot move away from you without first succeeding on a Strength check or an Escape Artist check against your sphere DC made as a move action.
The basics of it are pretty easy to understand. Creature becomes adjacent and must make a reflex save. If failed then it must succeed at a strength check or or Escape Artist check to move away from me.
My question is, if a creature attempts to move away from me in a way that would provoke an AoO but fails its check, does that still provoke an AoO from me? I can't find clarity in the rules. This Actions in Combat table doesn't have anything that covers this and I can't find anything elsewhere. There are various things under the Move Action section but none of them are quite right, and the Escape a Net action is kinda similar but not the same (and it is a full-round action) so I don't know that it would apply here either.
I could see it both ways. If the creature fails it check then it doesn't move away so no AoO. But it is using a move action to attempting to move away, and the AoO for moving away happens before actually moving away, so I could also see it the other way.