The second paragraph of the Scrounger Dedication states:
You can Craft temporary items out of anything, anywhere, with whatever materials happen to be on hand, spending only 10 minutes to perform the initial Crafting check. The temporary item must be common, non-magical, 1st level or lower, and must be a weapon, armor, or a nonconsumable piece of adventuring gear. Instead of a single item, you can create 10 pieces of a single type of ammunition. This is a shoddy item, but you don't take the normal penalty when using shoddy items you made using this feat. Your temporary item lasts for 1d4 hours before falling apart into its raw components; the GM rolls the number of hours secretly. You can create only the physical item, not any information or magic, so for example, while you could create a blank journal or one of random pages, you couldn't use it as a scholarly journal or a religious text.
To best make use of this ability, it seems crucial to have as many formulas memorized as possible since many of these items -- especially the adventuring gear -- are intended for very specific use cases. The Basic Crafter's Book is a good first step. According to the AoN, this grants access to 148 formulas, including 72 pieces of adventuring gear. How would a player character go about acquiring the other 148 formulas eligible for the Scrounger ability in a similarly cost and time-efficient way? How about the 52 formulas made eligible when a player character takes the High Quality Scrounger feat?
When you Craft a temporary item using Scrounger Dedication, it can be an item of up to 3rd level (though the item must still be a weapon, armor, or a nonconsumable piece of adventuring gear). You can instead Craft it for someone else's use, allowing them to avoid taking the penalty for using a shoddy item when using it, but causing you to take the penalty if you use it. For example