A paladin casts Find Steed into a ring of Spell Storing.
Another character then casts the Find Steed spell from the ring.
The ring definition says that the spell uses the casting level, save DC etc of the original caster, but "...is otherwise treated as if you [the ring wearer] cast the spell."
So, which of these outcomes makes sense
A. The spell summons the Paladin's Steed. (Assuming it isn't already present) B. The ring summons the Paladin's Steed, or a copy of it if its already present. C. The ring summons a new steed for the ring bearer. D. Something else I haven't considered yet.
EDIT : This question differs to this one Can a ring of spell storing and access to Find spells produce an endless menagerie?
Because I'm asking whether the ring bearer would summon a new steed, or the original steed belonging to the character that put the spell into the ring.